The BMFA Article 16 authorisation introduces the requirement, in some circumstances, to have conducted a risk assessment, these circumstances are as follows:-
- Any established model flying club site located in a ‘built-up area’
- Where the flying site is in a built up area which is only used substantially for recreational purposes and is considered a ‘suitable area’.
- When applying for a model aircraft flying display permit
- When applying for a permit to operate aircraft greater than 7.5kg MTOM over 400ft.
Specific Article 16 Risk Assessment considerations.
- Risks to Uninvolved persons
The assessment should identify all hazards that may give rise to risk to uninvolved persons, identify the level of risk and determine measures to reduce the risk to acceptable levels including measures to ensure required separation distances are maintained.
Hazards to consider (not an exhaustive list)
- uncontrolled model aircraft (radio failure)
- uncontrolled model aircraft (airframe failure)
- uncontrolled model aircraft (pilot error)
- incursion of uninvolved persons in the flying area
- Risks to other airspace users
The assessment should identify all hazards that may give rise to risk to other airspace users, identify the level of risk and determine measures to reduce the risk to acceptable levels including measures to ensure conflicts with manned aircraft are avoided.
Hazards to consider (not an exhaustive list)
- uncontrolled model aircraft (radio failure)
- uncontrolled model aircraft (airframe failure)
- uncontrolled model aircraft (pilot error)
- incursion of other airspace users into model flying area
It is a requirement of the BMFA Permit (Display and Site) application process that the risk assessment adequately demonstrates that special consideration has been given to the operation of aircraft with MTOMs greater than 7.5Kg at heights exceeding 400 ft. Failure to do so will lead to your application being delayed or returned for correction.
Guidance on completing risk assessments and template risk assessment forms can be downloaded using the buttons above.
Once you have completed the assessment it should be submitted using the form below: